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Give your neighbors a helping hand—Help Connect the Corridors!

Each of us can support the wildlife of Northern Virginia by planting native plants, even in tiny patches as small as a balcony. But we help the natural world much more when we can connect those patches together. Many species need lots of room to safely move around in search of food and shelter.

conservation corridors maps 20001.jpg

Financial help
for conservation landscaping 
and rain gardens

Matching grants
are available!

Do you live (or work) in a corridor, or in between?

Even in our fragmented landscape, there are still areas of parks, Resource Protenction Areas and other undeveloped land that allow for some migration of animals. If you live next to one of the those areas, your land can expand its usefulness to birds and butterflies if you plant native trees, shrubs, and flowers.(Turf grass and other plants from Europe and Asia do not support this ecosystem.) If you live in between, your property can serve as a stepping stone to those corridors. For maps of these areas, click here.

Grow the edge

Do you live next to a stream or a park? Click here for tips on plants you can use to enhance our woods and streams.

Be the stepping stone

Nowhere near a park? You can still help! Native plants on even small properties can support significant amounts of wildlife. But if a neighbor joins you, all of a sudden you have twice as much. Inspire a few more neighbors, and now you have a full acre. As our movement grows, the ability of threatened species to survive will grow accordingly.

Woodland garden, Tiarella cordifolia, Me

Support our campaign to reverse the decline of native plants and wildlife in Northern Virginia with a tax-deductible contribution.


Questions or comments? We're happy to help!  
Contact us here

Copyright 2023. Plant NOVA Natives. All Rights Reserved -

but you have permission to freely use our photos and text

except where you see a specific person credited.

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