Become a Plant NOVA Natives Garden Center
Make it easy for your customers to buy multiple plants at once!
When you partner with Plant NOVA Natives, we will be there to help you sell the plants you already stock!
Label native plants prominently
Plant NOVA Natives can help you identify
plants native to Northern Virginia. -
Stickers and labels available.
Our volunteers are putting stickers on the
plant signs at a dozen garden centers.
We would be happy to add yours!
Use seasonal displays and banners to promote native plants
Banners, displays and suggested plant groupings available.
Expand inventory of best-selling native plants.
Free training for garden center staff
Bring in a Plant NOVA Natives expert so your staff can answer customer questions knowledgeably.
Promote native plants through your website or social media
Help create buzz about your native plant selection with pre-made social media posts.
Sell the Native Plant Guide ($4 cost, $5 recommended retail)
A great resource for your customers. Putting this in their hands is a sure way to get them to buy native plants.
Be listed and promoted on the Native Plant Campaign website
Plant NOVA Natives can help you sell more plants and attract new customers. We list every garden center that welcomes our volunteers to put on the red stickers.
Special sales
Let us know if you are having a sale on Northern Virginia native plants, and we will put it out on our Facebook page which reaches thousands of viewers.
For more information, contact us at

Plant packages
If you package plants into groups that grow well together, you can sell more plants even if they are not in bloom. Examples:
Native plants for a formal sunny garden: Coreopsis verticillata, Asclepias tuberosa, Baptisia australis
Inviting green in the shade: Polistichum acrosticoides, Actaea racemosa, Aruncus dioicus
Spring color in the shade: Mertensia virginica, Phlox divaricata, Polemonium reptans
Summer color in the shade: Lobelia cardinalis, Monarda punctata, Conoclinum coelestinum
Winter interest with bright berries to feed the birds: Ilex verticillata, Aronia arbutifolia, Callicarpa americana