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Spread the word – on your own

Create, showcase and promote NOVA Natives in your own garden.

Attend classes & events: Learn more and meet the community at one of our classes or events. Find them all on our event calendar.

Consult the Native Plants for Northern Virginia guide on our website or order a copy here.

Take the pledge to show your commitment and to help us track our collective impact.  

Add your property to the

Homegrown National Park map.

Put up signs (see box) to show your pride and create some buzz.   

Post mini signs on community bulletin boards.

Request a free site visit & consultation from the Northern Virginia Bird Alliance Wildlife Sanctuary program (formerly Audubon-at-Home) to get advice and to certify your property as a wildlife sanctuary.

Join the landscaping committee of your homeowner’s association, place of worship, or place of employment.

Wear some Plant NOVA Natives gear to germinate some great conversation! (We earn no profit from these sales.)

Hold a garden party to show off the beauty of native plants.

Use your camera! There are several ways that photography (even with a cell phone camera) can help us spread the word. Find out how here.

Forward our Native Plant Stories every month to social media,, or any newsletters you know of.

​Use social media: Connect with us on Facebook and Twitter and share our posts and events.  ​Add the pics below to your feed to point others to our media presence. ​

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Volunteer programs for removing invasive plants in Northern Virginia

Invasive plants are species which were intentionally or accidentally introduced by human activity into a region in which they did not evolve and which cause harm to natural resources, economic activity or humans. (Learn more about Invasive plants)​


Habitat loss and invasive plants are the leading cause of native biodiversity loss. Invasive plant species spread quickly and can displace native plants, prevent native plantgrowth, and create monocultures. A healthy plant community has a variety of herbs, shrubs, and trees.


​Volunteer opportunities 

to combat invasive plants.


Support our campaign to reverse the decline of native plants and wildlife in Northern Virginia with a tax-deductible contribution.


Questions or comments? We're happy to help!  
Contact us here

Copyright 2023. Plant NOVA Natives. All Rights Reserved -

but you have permission to freely use our photos and text

except where you see a specific person credited.

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